Brittany Mahomes is often the topic of discussion on social media. Her Instagram posts are heavily scrutinized, while fans also keep a close eye on her various event appearances.
The most recent topic that had fans debating was Brittany's foot tattoo.
After a sports parody account shared pictures of her ink, some users claimed that it looked like the symbol of polygamy, and others felt it could be an infinity heart.
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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One user claimed that Brittany's mother also had the same tattoo:
"Ok so I did some digging and it looks like her mom has the same tattoo, same placement as well. Maybe it’s just a family thing?"A few fans remained uncertain about the meaning and couldn't believe Brittany would get such a tattoo, especially if she knew what it meant.
"She 100% got it because 'it looks cute'"Brittany Mahomes is making the most of the NFL offseason
This offseason has been particularly busy for the Mahomes family. The activities began with their Met Gala debut, along with appearances at the Miami Grand Prix and the Kentucky Derby. They also attended the 2023 ESPYs, coupled with a few vacations with the family.
They even got together for a family trip to Las Vegas, where Patrick competed in "The Match" against Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.
The family also enjoyed a trip to Yellowstone National Park and Hawaii for some time off.
In a recent story, Sterling — their two-year-old toddler — and Brittany were seen bidding adieu to Mahomes for the Kansas City Chiefs training camp before the 2023 season.
"Sending @patrickmahomes off to camp," Brittany Mahomes wrote.However, the recent chatter has been about the Netflix docuseries 'Quarterback'.
As the new season approaches, one can expect to see the Mahomes family present at Chiefs games to cheer on Patrick.
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