This is completely worthless to report on, and I wasn’t going to cover this at all, but it was picked up on WeSmirch and Oh No they Didn’t, so I thought I would throw in my two cents.

Perez ran a quickie, much-maligned story claiming that recent candids of Kate Hudson show that she’s got six toes. She does not have six toes, but her left foot is shaped so that the pinky toe does not align with the side of her foot, making the extra bit of foot at the end look like another toe.

In case you’re interested, I’ve found the HQs and have blown up the foot area. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time, but after I did the ten minutes of research on this I figured I may as well run this story.

My husband thinks feet should be cute, and he always cringes at Uma Thurman now that her feet were revealed in such ugly detail in “Kill Bill.” Kate Hudson’s feet are a bit misshapen, but who really cares except guys like my husband who make the rest of us feel better by criticizing gorgeous women for having ugly feet?

Here are the high res versions of Kate Hudson’s feet. In case you’re more interested in the rest of her, the original candids are here. Carry on and please ignore this worthless story if you’ve got better things to do.
